DIY filmmakers have 10 days to create an original film in a genre of their choosing using an assigned prop, line of dialog and specific action!


What is the 240 Hour Film Race?

If you've been around the filmmaking block, you may have heard of a "48-hour film race" before.  We've done quite a few of those in our time and we decided that we hate them. Hate is a strong word. We loathe them. Making a movie in two days, while certainly gratifying, is stressful and a huge pain in the ass. We wanted to make movies with the same idea, but at a slightly more reasonable pace.  Hence, the 240 Hour (10-day) Film Race was born 

How does it work?

Teams will be able to select a genre of their choosing in which to create their movie. We have a list available that goes from broad genres, like comedy or action, to hyper specific. 

Then, on Thursday, September 28, at 6pm at The Backyard and social media channels, we'll release the required elements.  All three will need to be used in your film:

The line of dialog and prop will be fairly straightforward, but the action can be used as literally or figuratively as you see fit.  

From there, the race begins!  You have 10 days to complete your movie.  Films will be due by 6pm on the following Sunday (October 8) with screenings occurring on Friday, October 13, at The Hipp Cinema and Saturday, October 14, at The Backyard and streaming on YouTube!

What if I'm just a broke schlep and have no fucking clue how to make a movie?

This event is free to enter and filmmakers of all levels are always welcome.   Contact us at info@cinemadrome.org if you have questions!